Right now it's rather a blog every other day in august-Challenge. I'll promise to keep it more regular again. But at least I can relate something special about the year I was 21. This was the year I discovered the internet. Not mail adresses but chat. GMX provided a chat (boy, that's long ago) and one day I was bored enough to try it. And I instantly got hooked with online-roleplay. That's were everything else started, my favorite pasttimes and my own business.
Als nächstes wird nach meinen liebsten Onlineshops gefragt. Nun, das wird jetzt relativ einseitig:
Next my favorite online stores. That's going to be a bit one sided.
- amazon: ja, Amazon. Trotz sämtlicher Berichte
still Amazon in spite of everything that's in the press - Stoffkontor: einer meiner liebsten Stoffhändler und so ziemlich die erste Adresse, die ich bei entsprechendem Bedarf anklicke.
one of my favorite fabric seller and the first one I click when looking for any fabric - Stoklasa: das Gegenstück zum Stoff. Kurzwaren-Großhändler
the same as with the fabric. Wholesale - etsy: Handgemachtes, Vintage und Material international. (Ich verkaufe da übrigens auch)
handmade, vintage and material on an international scale. (I sell there by the way) - dawanda: Das gleiche für den vorwiegend deutschsprachigen Raum (Auch da verkaufe ich ;) )
Same for the mainly german speaking realm (and I sell there, too)
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